Run Across America: June 6, 2020

Feeding America

"We are extremely grateful to each of you and to Run Across America for your shared commitment to alleviating hunger in communities throughout the U.S. During this time of increased need, your support makes a difference for our neighbors who are struggling to put food on their tables."

Lauren Biedron, Vice President of Corporate Partnerships at Feeding America


Feeding America also sent a Thank You video for your contributions:

Essential Workers

Run Across America started out by wanting to say thank you to Essential Workers for their sacrifices during the pandemic and every day by offering free registration. Many of them sent notes to return the thanks:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart as your support for me and my fellow frontline healthcare workers make the job we do a little easier ♥️🙏🏻
Donnaleah, Registered Respiratory Therapist in Kentucky

Thanks so much for the entry and for recognizing all the hard work and long hours people have been putting in to keep the country running. I may not be a First Responder, but as a mail carrier, I can make it easier for people to stay home! Proud to do my part.Trisha, Mail Carrier in North Carolina

Thank you for the free registration. I currently work in the lab doing Covid testing. This is a really nice thing you are doing, and I appreciate your efforts, and whoever donated my race fee.
Lisa, Covid testing Lab in Indiana

Illustration created by Vanessa Santos. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Race results

The Gallery shows Finish Line selfies from participants. You'll find creative bibs, people connecting over video chat, and lots of smiles. The Leaderboard shows the top 20 finishers overall and by State, Age, and Gender. You can also look up your time and selfie by email address on the leaderboard.


Our partners helped make this event possible with matching gifts to Feeding America, team giveaways, and more.

Congratulations to the winners of our partner team giveaways:

Congratulations to Kimberly in New York for winning a Peak Design Everyday Bag
Congratulations to Stephanie in Kentucky for winning Cedar & Spokes fresh-roasted coffee
Congratulations to Rizza in California for winning 3-pack of Akabanga chili oil